Meet our Managing Director: Tom Davenport

Meet our Managing Director: Tom Davenport
Meet our Managing Director: Tom Davenport

Tom Davenport is the Managing Director of Digital Marketing Specialist (DMS). His responsibilities for the majority of the week are mainly scouting for opportunities that others might see as problems, thinking about how DMS can solve them, and writing up ideas for the team to give a reality check. Recently he’s ramped up the focus on R&D to unlock the new workflow potential of AI.

Role Overview

As the Managing Director of DMS, Tom plays a key role in steering the strategic direction of the company. While the internal team easily handles day-to-day management, he focuses on identifying new opportunities, generating innovative solutions, and proposing ideas that push the boundaries of digital marketing.

Tom is known for a leadership approach that is generally hands-off, empowering the team to manage their responsibilities independently. However, when it comes to digital marketing, Tom has notable passion and enthusiasm that helps inspire and energise the team. This blend of trust and passion fosters a dynamic and motivated work environment that drives our culture for independence and innovation.

Journey to Digital Marketing

Tom initially started as a journalist for various music and tech websites, but after starting to see the results SEO provided with explosive traffic growth for his freelance clients, he turned his attention from writing to digital marketing and how it can influence masses of real-world behaviour.

“The results were phenomenal and sparked up my fire and addiction for traffic – which is more than a number to me, as I feel a strong and sometimes overwhelming thrill when I think about how many real people are doing a real thing in the real world because of something I’ve worked on.”

Career Milestones

Among numerous achievements with big projects, Tom highlights the success with Flash Pack as a standout moment. The project began with challenges, but breaking through to find what truly resonated with the audience led to amazing growth, validating the strategies and theories about mass behaviour. This triumph, leading to today and many high-profile campaigns like Taylor Swift’s Era’s Tour, proves the agency’s capability to drive significant impact.

Influences and Mentors

Tom had several key figures shape his career like personal finance guru Ramit Sethi, analytics expert Avinash Kaushik, behaviour science pioneer BJ Fogg, and Donella Meadows, author of the book “Thinking in Systems”. However, he highlights his mentorship by Dave Henderson, who had a great career at many big music magazines. Dave gave Tom his first work placement at Kerrang Magazine when he was 15. Although he might not be a digital marketer, Dave has always been supportive and willing to help wherever he can.

“Knowing Dave has taught me a lot about paying it forward because that support from someone outside your family who wants the best for you makes a real difference when you’re still learning and working things out, and sometimes that little bit of encouragement makes all the difference when you’re not sure of yourself yet.”

Lessons learned

One of the most important lessons he has learned is outlined in a quote from Ian Mackaye of Fugazi: “You can talk all day, but nothing will happen until you get on and do it.” This do-it-yourself ethic has been a guiding principle while growing up.

The most important value for Tom at DMS is striving for world-class performance and expertise.

Looking at what sets us apart from other agencies, Tom says DMS’s technical focus gives DMS an edge when it comes to new marketing technology. The agency’s focus on behavioural insights and scalable strategies ensures it remains at the cutting edge. “We have the same laptop and internet connection as any marketer in the world. Nothing is separating us from the best in the world if we aim high and build on the best knowledge available.”

Outside the office, Tom is deeply committed to his family life and personal fitness, often sharing gym sessions with two of his older children. As an eager reader, he has a keen interest in Linux, OSINT, and security, staying abreast of the rapid developments in these fields.

Additionally, he is an enthusiastic user of X (previously Twitter) valuing its position as a cutting-edge news source and a window into the latest in tech. “I love X/Twitter even when everyone else hates it – I think they’re wrong and it’s still the best bleeding-edge news source if you want to really sit on the front line of tech.”

Advice to Aspiring Team Members and Digital Marketers

If you are considering joining DMS, Tom advises that you act swiftly in applying, as the agency attracts a high volume of talent.

He also recommends having genuine curiosity, as it applies to all disciplines but is especially important in marketing. Genuine curiosity is the driving force that compels one to keep asking “why,” to dig for the truth, and to grow as a specialist.

The environment at DMS is ideal for refining digital marketing skills by tackling significant and challenging problems, driven by genuine curiosity—a key trait for success in the field.

Posted in: Business