Meet Our Marketing Executive: Zelanda van Drünick

Meet Our Marketing Executive: Zelanda van Drünick
Meet Our Marketing Executive: Zelanda van Drünick

Today, we offer an exclusive insight into the role, journey, and advice of our marketing executive.

The Role of our Marketing Executive at DMS

As the Marketing Executive at Digital Marketing Specialist, Zelanda has to wear many hats as her role involves coordinating and managing all marketing activities for DMS. This includes social media management, lead generation, paid media, brand management, SEO, and content generation.

Journey into Digital Marketing

Zelanda began her marketing career as a brand activation coordinator at an experiential marketing company, where she played a key role in managing and running in-store and event promotions to boost sales for clients. She was therefore initially more involved in offline marketing/on-the-ground marketing.

Zelanda transitioned to digital marketing when she moved to Cape Town, South Africa, and joined a software development company during the COVID-19 pandemic. As offline marketing became less feasible, she pivoted to managing social media, website content, and various internal and external marketing strategies, including employee appreciation initiatives and online event sponsorships. She continued in digital marketing because she loved the ability to reach audiences at any time and place.

“Digital marketing allows for precise targeting, real-time data insights for optimisation, and the use of diverse platforms and software.”

Successes and Achievements

Throughout her career, Zelanda has achieved significant success, particularly with individual client campaigns and holistic marketing strategies. Her proudest accomplishment, however, is independently running the marketing department at DMS. Despite having the support of the managing director, leading most of the marketing activities independently has been deeply fulfilling.

Advice for Aspiring Digital Marketers

Firstly, be prepared for a fast-changing environment and stay adaptable. Keep up with the latest software and trends by reading newsletters or following relevant digital marketing pages.

Take it one day at a time. You can’t master everything overnight. Focus on excelling in one area at a time—for example, start with social media, then move on to PPC, email marketing, and so forth.

Considerations for Joining Digital Marketing

Don’t assume digital marketing is an easy route. While marketing in general is challenging, digital marketing is particularly complex and dynamic. No handbook remains current for long due to rapid changes in technology and strategies, so be ready to learn constantly and adapt to new tools and trends.

Learning at DMS

At DMS, Zelanda has learned the importance of embracing a mindset of continuous learning and innovation. ‘You can’t know everything,’ she notes. Acknowledging this fosters curiosity and adaptability.

“While failures are inevitable, each setback is a chance to learn and refine strategies, staying innovative and effective.”
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