Meet our Operations Manager: Rich Upton

Meet our Operations Manager: Rich Upton
Meet our Operations Manager: Rich Upton

At DMS, where our values and brand promise drive our mission, we deliver world-class performance and expertise in digital marketing. Today, we bring you an inside look at our Senior Operations Manager—Rich Upton.

Background and Role

At DMS, our Senior Operations Manager, Rich Upton oversees daily operations. His roles include problem-solving issues, guiding the team, and helping in making strategic decisions. This approach ensures DMS’s stability, growth, and success.

“I take pride in leading a team that consistently delivers exceptional results for our clients,”

Leadership Philosophy

Rich’s leadership style is communicative, helpful, and supportive. He fosters a non-authoritarian environment where team members feel valued and empowered to do their best work. Open communication and collaboration are his priorities, driving DMS’s collective success.

Personal Interests

Outside work, Rich loves going to the gym, playing tennis, and following his passion for cars, particularly watching rebuilds of written-off vehicles. He also enjoys travelling, exploring new places, and long-distance driving.

Career Path

Rich chose digital marketing because of how it enables even small budgets to reach thousands of eyes and influence behaviors. The industry’s ever-evolving technologies make it an exciting and dynamic field.


Rich is proud of several achievements in his career. These include setting up loyalty programs, leading global below-the-line (BTL) campaigns, and directing the implementation of scalable IT systems. Building great teams that enable individuals to live up to their potential has been particularly rewarding.

Mentors and Influences

Rich’s father significantly influenced his career decisions. Books like “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” “Scaling Up,” and “Atomic Habits” also played important roles in shaping his career. Additionally, Bill Wilson, a non-executive director and accomplished leader, has pushed Rich outside his comfort zone (although Rich still beats him at tennis).

Key Learnings

Throughout his career, Rich has learned to manage major crises effectively and rationally.

“I’ve also honed the ability to communicate and motivate individuals from diverse backgrounds, which has proven invaluable in leading successful teams,”

Rich Upton’s journey in digital marketing exemplifies the values and brand promise we cherish at DMS. His blend of professional expertise and personal enthusiasm not only drives results but also inspires those around him.

Stay connected with us for more insights into the exceptional individuals who make up our dynamic team.

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